Federal Courts

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time Location
MON, WED, THU 9:05 - 10:12 am TNH 2.123

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location
Final exam (administered by Exam4 in Open Laptop mode) April 30, 2025 1:30 pm A-Z in 2.138


This is the classic law school course exploring the powers of and limitations on the federal courts, including (1) how federal powers are shared with the political (nonjudicial) branches and (2) how federal judicial power is limited by laws and norms about federalism. That generalized subject matter necessraily covers questions about litigant standing, the original and appellate jurisdictions of various federal tribunals, Congressional control over that jurisdiction, the content of law that federal courts can and must apply in various cases, federal tribunals other than Article III courts, federal common law, sovereign immunity, "implied" causes of action and remedies, and habeas corpus.

Federal courts is a complex and challenging course that I teach as a blend of upper level civil procedure and civil rights litigation.


Textbooks ( * denotes required )

Federal Courts And The Law Of Federal-state Relati *
Bradley, Curtis, Grove, Tara, Jeffries, Jr., John, Low, Peter, and Jeffries, John c.
West Academic , edition: 10
ISBN: 978-1-68561-085-2


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Date Updated
03/12/2025 Exam information updated