Intensive Litigation Advocacy Skills

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time
WED 1:05 - 4:05 pm
THU 1:05 - 1:55 pm

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


Prerequisite: Advocacy Survey (LAW 387D) and Evidence (LAW 383 or 483); or instructor permission.

If you loved Advocacy Survey and want to spend your career in the courtoom (or just want to be as prepared as possible for the occasional times that you will spend in the courtroom), this class is for you. Intensive Litigation Advocacy Skills is designed for the student interested in improving advocacy skills through intensive training exercises and immersion into trial skills. Here, students work all together but are also weekly divided into small groups allowing them to focus on the distinct skills you will need in a future litigation career. The course is almost exclusively experiential (i.e., skills-based), with students receiving constant feedback in a fun, safe environment. The class provides networking and possible employment opportunities with typically more than 20 attorneys and judges who serve as instructors and guests each semester. This class is restricted to 3Ls only. Prerequisites: Advocacy Survey and Evidence.