Religious Liberty

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time
TUE 3:55 - 5:45 pm

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


This class will meet on the following dates: August 26, September 9, September 26, October 7, October 21, November 4, November 18, and December 2 (make-up date).

This is an interesting time to study the law of Religious Liberty.  The Supreme Court has heard multiple cases and issued a number of decisions in recent years construing the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment.  Studying these developments is helpful not just to understanding this area of constitutional law, but also to examining the Supreme Court as an institution.

This class is an introduction to the law of Religious Liberty.  It will also present an opportunity to develop appellate advocacy skills.  Students will simulate oral arguments before the Supreme Court in significant religious liberty controversies, by performing in the role of both advocates and justices.

This course is open to students who have already taken a course in Constitutional Law.  No other prerequisite is required.  We will meet roughly every other week for two hours at a time.  The course is graded, but students are welcome to exercise their pass-fail option if they wish.  Grades will turn on the quality of in-class participation, both as advocates and as justices.  Students will have the chance to learn the law of Religious Liberty from a seasoned practitioner, and to practice oral advocacy before a bench of your fellow students, as well as a federal circuit judge.

Each week, two to four students will be assigned a Supreme Court case to argue, before a bench comprised of fellow students who will serve as Justices.  After each oral argument, we will discuss the issues presented in the case and raised during the argument.