Commercial Leasing

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time
THU 3:55 - 5:45 pm

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location
Take-home exam up to 8 hrs (administered by Faculty Coordinator) December 16, 2025


Commercial Leasing: A practical perspective. Whether you are a lawyer in a private law firm, in house counsel for a hospital, or a business owner operating a restaurant, you will likely come across a commercial lease at some point in your career. This practicum will guide students through real examples of lease negotiations, litigation strategies, and risk mitigation techniques. Students will review case law, learn how to analyze and draft lease provisions, discuss evolving real estate use in various market scenarios, and how to think outside of the box to complete the transaction. We will use recent developments in case law to develop a working checklist when analyzing a commercial lease. Textbook: Commercial Leasing: A Transaction Primer, Third Edition