The Frontiers and Foundations of Antidiscrimination Law

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time
TUE 5:55 - 7:45 pm

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


This course explores the enduring debates in antidiscrimination law that have occurred historically and which continue to the present day, with a particular focus on racial discrimination. The topics covered will include the list of classes that are protected by law, the circumstances under which discrimination may be lawful, and the evidentiary burden for proving discrimination. Through class discussion, we will attempt to determine the principles that underlie all of antidiscrimination law. One of the themes of the course will be the necessity of civil discourse for achieving the long-term goals of civil rights law, and students will be expected to model such discourse in class discussions. Grading will be based on writing assignments and participation in a mock oral argument. No textbook required.