The University of Texas School of Law
727 East Dean Keeton Street
Austin, Texas 78705
January 6–May 10
With the exception of holidays and spring break, the Law School building is open from 7:00am – 6:00pm, Monday – Thursday, and 7:00am – 5pm on Fridays. Members of the Law School community can use their university ID cards to enter the building outside of these hours.
The Tarlton Law Library is open during its regular hours of operation posted on the library’s website. Visitors wanting to access the library’s collection when the Law School building doors are locked can call the library’s Circulation Desk (512-471-7726) for assistance entering the building.
Directions to the Law School
Going north on I-35:
Stay in one of the two left-hand lanes as you pass the downtown area. The Interstate splits into upper and lower decks that meet again after the UT campus. Stay in the left, lower-deck lanes and take exit #236 “Dean Keeton/32nd-38th 1/2.” You will need to quickly cross two lanes of the access road to the right-hand exit, a loop that takes you onto Dean Keeton (formerly 26th Street). There will be a sign for the LBJ Library. Stay to the right of the loop and you will come out on Dean Keeton and go under I-35, heading west. At the third light, turn left onto San Jacinto and take the next left into San Jacinto Garage. Park on any level and take the elevator to level 3. Exit the garage to the right, onto the surface parking lot. The main entrance to the Law School is to the left, through the glass doors.
Going south on I-35:
When I-35 splits at the Airport Blvd. exit, stay in the left lower level and take the 32nd Street exit. Go straight through the light at 32nd and turn right onto Dean Keeton. At the third light, turn left onto San Jacinto and take the next left into San Jacinto Garage. Take the elevator to level 3 and exit the garage to the right, onto the surface parking lot. The main entrance to the Law School is to the left, through the glass doors.

Parking at the Law School
Visitor parking is available in San Jacinto Garage (marked SJG in blue on the map).
The Law School consists of three buildings: Jesse Jones Hall (JON), Townes Hall (TNH), and the Connally Center (CCJ). If you are making a delivery or need to park in the San Jacinto Garage, please note that Trinity Street is a one-way street that you may enter from Robert Dedman Drive.
View additional UT campus parking maps.