Douglas Laycock
- Alice McKean Young Regents Chair in Law
- Professor Emeritus
Douglas Laycock is a leading authority and respected scholar on the law of remedies and on the law of religious liberty and has taught at Texas Law for 30 years. Professor Laylock has held tenured positions at multiple universities and is a professor emeritus at the University of Virginia. Professor Laycock has testified many times before Congress and argued in the Supreme Court. In 2023, he was selected to receive the Lifetime Scholarly Achievement Award from the American Association of Law Schools Section on Remedies.
Featured Work
Douglas Laycock is perhaps the nation’s leading authority on the law of remedies and also on the law of religious liberty. He has held tenured positions at the University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, the University of Virginia, and the University of Texas, where he has taught for 27 years. He has testified many times before Congress and argued many cases in the courts, including in the Supreme Court of the United States. He is the author of the leading casebook, Modern American Remedies (Wolters Kluwer 5th ed. 2019, with Richard L. Hasen); the award winning-monograph, The Death of the Irreparable Injury Rule (Oxford 1991); and many articles in the leading law reviews. His many writings on religious liberty have been reprinted in a five-volume collection from Eerdmans Publishing: Religious Liberty 1: Overviews and History (2010); Religious Liberty 2: The Free Exercise Clause (2011); Religious Liberty 3: Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, Same-Sex Marriage Legislation, and the Culture Wars (2018); Religious Liberty 4: Federal Legislation After the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, with More on the Culture Wars (2018); and Religious Liberty 5: The Free Speech and Establishment Clauses (2018). He served for many years on the Council of the American Law Institute before resigning to become Reporter for the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Remedies. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
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Book Chapter
Douglas Laycock, Afterword, in Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts189 (Editor, with Anthony R. Picarello, Jr., and Robin Fretwell Wilson) (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2008). -
Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts
Douglas Laycock, Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008) (editor, with Anthony Picarello, Jr. & Robin Fretwell Wilson). -
High-Value Speech and the Basic Educational Mission of a Public School: Some Preliminary Thoughts
Douglas Laycock, High-Value Speech and the Basic Educational Mission of a Public School: Some Preliminary Thoughts [Symposium: Speech and the Public Schools after Morse v. Frederick], 12 Lewis & Clark Law Review 111 (2008). -
How Remedies Became a Field: A History
Douglas Laycock, How Remedies Became a Field: A History, 27 Review of Litigation 161 (2008).
Book Review
God vs. the Gavel: A Brief Rejoinder
Douglas Laycock, God vs. the Gavel: A Brief Rejoinder, 105 Michigan Law Review 1545 (2007)(reviewing Marci A. Hamilton, God vs. the Gavel: Religion and the Rule of Law (New York: Cambridge University Press 2005). -
Book Review
A Syllabus of Errors
Douglas Laycock, A Syllabus of Errors, 105 Michigan Law Review 1169 (2007).
Book Chapter
Desegregation, Affirmative Action, and the Ten-Percent Law
Douglas Laycock, Desegregation, Affirmative Action, and the Ten-Percent Law, in The Texas Book: Profiles, History, and Reminiscences of the University 177 (Richard A. Holland, ed.) (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006). -
Church and State in the United States: Competing Conceptions and Historic Changes
Douglas Laycock, Church and State in the United States: Competing Conceptions and Historic Changes, 13 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 503 (2006). -
Book Chapter
Protecting Liberty in a Federal System: The US Experience
Douglas Laycock, Protecting Liberty in a Federal System: The US Experience, in Patterns Of Regionalism And Federalism 119 (Basil Markesinis & Jörg Fedtke eds.; Oxford, U.K.: Hart Publishing, 2006). -
Religious Liberty in America: A Rapid-Fire Overview
Douglas Laycock, Religious Liberty in America: A Rapid-Fire Overview, 33 Human Rights 3 (2006). -
Book Chapter
Employment in Religious Organizations
Douglas Laycock, Employment in Religious Organizations, in Religious Organizations in the United States: A Study of Identity, Liberty, and the Law 527 (James A. Serritella et al., eds.) (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2006) (with Patrick Schiltz).
How to Be Religiously Neutral: Government May Not Endorse the Majority's Beliefs, But Should Not Draw Lines with Exactitude
Douglas Laycock, How to Be Religiously Neutral: Government May Not Endorse the Majority's Beliefs, But Should Not Draw Lines with Exactitude, Legal Times, July 4, 2005, at 42. -
Roundtable Discussion: Religious Organizations Filing for Bankruptcy
Douglas Laycock, Roundtable Discussion: Religious Organizations Filing for Bankruptcy, 13 American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review 25 (2005) (with several others). -
Book Chapter
La Religion et l'État aux États-Unis: Affrontement des Théories et Changements Historiques [Church and State in the United States: Competing Conceptions and Historic Changes]
Douglas Laycock, La Religion et l'État aux États-Unis: Affrontement des Théories et Changements Historiques [Church and State in the United States: Competing Conceptions and Historic Changes], in La Conception Américaine de la Laïcité (Elisabeth Zoller ed.; Paris: Dalloz, 2005). -
Choosing Remedies: The Misleading Irreparable Injury Rule
Douglas Laycock, Choosing Remedies: The Misleading Irreparable Injury Rule, The Advocate, Fall 2005, at 7.
Theology Scholarships, the Pledge of Allegiance, and Religious Liberty: Avoiding the Extremes but Missing the Liberty [The Supreme Court, 2003 Term: Comment]
Douglas Laycock, Theology Scholarships, the Pledge of Allegiance, and Religious Liberty: Avoiding the Extremes but Missing the Liberty [The Supreme Court, 2003 Term: Comment], 118 Harvard Law Review 155 (2004). -
The Broader Case for Affirmative Action: Desegregation, Academic Excellence, and Future Leadership
Douglas Laycock, The Broader Case for Affirmative Action: Desegregation, Academic Excellence, and Future Leadership, 78 Tulane Law Review 1767 (2004). -
The Mistakes in Locke v. Davey and the Future of State Payments for Services Provided by Religious Institutions
Douglas Laycock, The Mistakes in Locke v. Davey and the Future of State Payments for Services Provided by Religious Institutions, 40 Tulsa Law Review 227 (2004) (with Thomas C. Berg).
Introduction: International Litigation Symposium Honoring the Distinguished Career of Professor Russell J. Weintraub
Douglas Laycock, Introduction: International Litigation Symposium Honoring the Distinguished Career of Professor Russell J. Weintraub, 38 Texas International Law Journal 1 (2003). -
Book Review
The Many Meanings of Separation
Douglas Laycock, The Many Meanings of Separation, 70 University of Chicago Law Review 1667 (2003) (reviewing Separation of Church and State, by Philip Hamburger).