Inga Markovits
- "The Friends of Joe Jamail" Regents Chair in Law
- "The Friends of Joe Jamail" Regents Chair Emeritus
Inga Markovits is an internationally renowned expert in comparative law who teaches and writes about family law. Her research has concentrated on socialist legal regimes and, more recently, on law reform in Eastern Europe. The “Friends of Joe Jamail” Regents Chair in Law emeritus, she is currently working on a local history of East German law as reflected in the work of one East German trial court and in the experiences of its users.
An internationally renowed expert in comparative law, Professor Markovits' research has concentrated on socialist legal regimes, and more recently, on law reform in Eastern Europe. She is currently writing a local history of East German law as reflected in the work of one East German trial court and in the experiences of its users. Professor Markovits also teaches and writes in the area of family law.
In 1995-96 Professor Markovits was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University and in 1997, a Visiting Scholar at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung in Potsdam, Germany. Her 1995 book Imperfect Justice: An East-West German Diary (Oxford University Press) traces the replacement of a socialist legal system by its ideological opposite in the course of Germany's reunification. Recent Publications: "Selective Memory: How the Law Affects What We Remember and Forget About the Past. The Case of East Germany", 35 Law & Society Review 513 (2002); "Justice in Lüritz", 50 American Journal of Comparative Law 819 (2002).
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Book Chapter
Socialism and the Rule of Law: Some Speculations and Predictions
Inga Markovits, Socialism and the Rule of Law: Some Speculations and Predictions, in Comparative and Private International Law, Essays in Honor of John Henry Merryman on his Seventieth Birthday (David S. Clark ed.; Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1990). -
Book Review
Family Traits
Inga Markovits, Family Traits, 88 Michigan Law Review 1734 (1990) (reviewing The Transformation of Family Law: State, Law and Family in the United States and Western Europe, by Mary Ann Glendon).
Playing the Opposite Game: On Mirjan Deamska's The Faces of Justice and State Authority
Inga Markovits, Playing the Opposite Game: On Mirjan Deamska's The Faces of Justice and State Authority, 41 Stanford Law Review 1313 (1989). -
Law and Glasnost: Some Thoughts About the Future of Judicial Review Under Socialism
Inga Markovits, Law and Glasnost: Some Thoughts About the Future of Judicial Review Under Socialism, 23 Law & Society Review 399 (1989).
Book Review
Impressions of Law in East Germany: Legal Education and Legal Systems in the German Democratic Republic, by Daniel J. Meador
Inga Markovits, Impressions of Law in East Germany: Legal Education and Legal Systems in the German Democratic Republic, by Daniel J. Meador, 36 American Journal of Comparative Law 198 (1988).
Rechtsstaat oder Beschwerdestaat? Verwaltungsrechtsschutz in der DDR
Inga Markovits, Rechtsstaat oder Beschwerdestaat? Verwaltungsrechtsschutz in der DDR, 31 Recht in Ost und West 265 (1987).
Hedgehogs or Foxes? A Review of Westen's and Schleider's Zivilrecht im Systemvergleich
Inga Markovits, Hedgehogs or Foxes? A Review of Westen's and Schleider's Zivilrecht im Systemvergleich, 34 American Journal of Comparative Law 113 (1986). -
Pursuing One's Rights Under Socialism
Inga Markovits, Pursuing One's Rights Under Socialism, 38 Stanford Law Review 689 (1986).
Law or Order--Constitutionalism and Legality in Eastern Europe
Inga Markovits, Law or Order--Constitutionalism and Legality in Eastern Europe, 34 Stanford Law Review 513 (1982).
Il diritto civile tra socialismo e ideologia borghese: nella Repubblica democratica tedesca
Inga Markovits, Il diritto civile tra socialismo e ideologia borghese: nella Repubblica democratica tedesca (Camerino: Jovene Editore, 1978). -
Socialist vs. Bourgeois Rights--An East-West German Comparison
Inga Markovits, Socialist vs. Bourgeois Rights--An East-West German Comparison, 45 University of Chicago Law Review 612 (1978).
Marriage and the State: A Comparative Look at East and West German Family Law
Inga Markovits. “Marriage and the State: A Comparative Look at East and West German Family Law.” In 24 Stanford Law Review, Page 116 (1971).
Sozialistisches und bürgerliches Zivilrechtsdenken in der DDR, (Socialist and Bourgeois Civil Law Thinking in the GDR)
Inga Markovits, Sozialistisches und bürgerliches Zivilrechtsdenken in der DDR, (Socialist and Bourgeois Civil Law Thinking in the GDR) (Koln: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1969).
Civil Law in East Germany--Its Development and Relation to Soviet Legal History and Ideology
Inga Markovits, Civil Law in East Germany--Its Development and Relation to Soviet Legal History and Ideology, 78 Yale Law Journal 1 (1968).