John Deigh
- Professor

John Deigh joined the Texas Law faculty in 2003 after more than 20 years of teaching at Northwestern University. He is a professor in both the law school and the philosophy department, focusing on moral, political, and legal philosophy. Professor Deigh is widely recognized for his work in moral psychology, which he has explored in numerous books and articles.
Featured Work
John Deigh joined the Texas faculty in 2003 after more than twenty years of teaching at Northwestern University. He is a professor in both the law school and the philosophy department. His primary areas of research are moral, political, and legal philosophy. He is widely known for his work in moral psychology. He is the author of The Sources of Moral Agency (Cambridge University Press, 1996), Emotions, Values and the Law (Oxford University Press, 2008), and An Introduction to Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 2010). His recent articles include "Is Empathy Required for Making Moral Judgments?" in Forms of Fellow Feeling: Empathy Sympathy, Concern and Moral Agency, N Roughley & T. Schramme, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2018), and "William James and the Rise of Scientific Psychology", Emotion Review (2014). Other articles include "Rights and the Authority of Law", University of Chicago Law Review (1984), "Cognitivism in the Theory of Emotions", Ethics (1994), "Empathy and Universalizability", Ethics (1995), and "All Kinds of Guilt", Law and Philosophy (1999).
Deigh serves on the editorial boards of Ethics, Analytic Philosophy, and Law and Philosophy and is an associate editor of the 9 volume International Encyclopedia of Ethics (Wiley/Blackwell, 2013). From 1997-2008 he was the editor of Ethics. Deigh has held visiting appointments at the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois at Chicago and research fellowships at the Hastings Center and the RSSS of the Australian National University.
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From Psychology to Morality: Essays in Ethical Naturalism
John Deigh. From Psychology to Morality: Essays in Ethical Naturalism ( Oxford University Press, September 27, 2018). View online. -
Book Chapter
Is Empathy Required for Making Moral Judgments?
John Deigh. “Is Empathy Required for Making Moral Judgments?”
Book Chapter
Political Obligation
John Deigh, Political Obligation, in The Oxford Handbook of Hobbes, 293 (A.P. Martinich & Kinch Hoekstra, Oxford University Press, 2016). -
Punishment and Proportionality: Part 2
John Deigh, Punishment and Proportionality: Part 2, 35 Criminal Justice Ethics 21 (2016). -
The Emotional Significance of Punishment
John Deigh, The Emotional Significance of Punishment, 8 Emotion Review 56 (2016).
Punishment and Proportionality: Part 1
John Deigh. “Punishment and Proportionality: Part 1.” In 33 Criminal Justice Ethics, Page 185 (December 11, 2014).
On Emotions: Philosophical Essays
John Deigh, On Emotions: Philosophical Essays (Oxford University Press, 2013) (editor). -
Book Chapter
Introduction: Robert Solomon's Theory of Emotions in Retrospect
John Deigh, Introduction: Robert Solomon's Theory of Emotions in Retrospect, in On Emotions, 1 (John Deigh, ed., Oxford University Press, 2013).
Book Chapter
Ethics in the Analytic Tradition
John Deigh, Ethics in the Analytic Tradition, in The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics, 581 (Roger Crisp, editor, Oxford University Press, 2013).
Book Chapter
The Emergence of Emotion as an Object of Scientific Study
John Deigh, The Emergence of Emotion as an Object of Scientific Study, in On Emotions, 215 (John Deigh, ed., Oxford University Press, 2013).
Human Rights as Political Rights: A Critique
John Deigh, Human Rights as Political Rights: A Critique, 44 Journal of Social Philosophy 22 (2013). -
Book Chapter
Empathy in Law: A Response to Slote
John Deigh, Empathy in Law: A Response to Slote, in Law, Virtue, and Justice, 293 (Amalia Amaya & Ho Hock Lai, editors, Hart Publishing, 2013).
Privacidad, democracia e internet
John Deigh, Privacidad, democracia e internet, in Internet y el Futuro de la Democracia (Serge Champeau & Daniel Innerarity, eds., Paidós, 2012).
Comment on Dixon, Scarantino, and Mulligan and Scherer
John Deigh, Comment on Dixon, Scarantino, and Mulligan and Scherer, 4 Emotion Review 371 (2012). -
Etica: Un'introduzione
John Deigh, Etica: Un'introduzione (G. Martinetti, translator, Apogeo, 2012).
Empathy, Justice, and Jurisprudence
John Deigh, Empathy, Justice, and Jurisprudence, 49 Southern Journal of Philosophy, Spindel Supplment 73 (2011). -
Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law
John Deigh, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011)(editor and contributor) (with David Dolinko). -
Book Chapter
Psychopathic Resentment
John Deigh, Psychopathic Resentment, in Self-Evaluation: Affective and Social Grounds of Intentionality 155 (A. Ziv, K. Lehrer, and H.B. Schmid, eds.; Heidelberg: Springer, 2011). -
Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law (Oxford Handbooks)
John Deigh and David Dolinko Editors, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law (Oxford Handbooks), John Deigh (contributing editor) and David Dolinko (editor), Oxford University Press (2011)
Book Chapter
Reactive Attitudes Revisited
John Deigh, Reactive Attitudes Revisited, in Morality and the Emotions 197 (Carla Bagnoli, ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
spring 2026
- SMNR: Law and Philosophy Workshop