Lucas A. Powe Jr.

Lucas A. Powe Jr.

  • Anne Green Regents Chair
  • Professor

Faculty Profile: Lucas A. Powe Jr.

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A leading historian of the Supreme Court, Professor Powe clerked for Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas before joining the Texas faculty in 1971. His latest books are The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2020 (2nd ed. 2021) and America's Lone Star Constitution: How Supreme Court Cases from texas Shape the Nation (2018). Previously , reflecting a split career as a historian and a First Amendment scholar, especially of the electronic media, his three award-winning books were American Broadcasting and the First Amendment (California 1987), The Fourth Estate and the Constitution (California 1991), and The Warren Court and American Politics (Harvard 2000). Additionally he has co-authored Regulating Broadcast Programming (MIT 1994) and written scores of articles. Powe was also a principal commentator on the 2007 four-part PBS series "The Supreme Court." He is also a Professor of Government and has been a visiting professor at Berkeley, Connecticut, and Georgetown. In 2019 UT's Alumni magazine named him one of the "Texas Ten" - most inspiring teachers at UT.

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