Mira Ganor
- Judge Solomon Casseb, Jr. Research Professorship in Law
- Professor

Mira Ganor’s interests lie in the intersection of law and business. Her research focuses on corporate governance and agency costs in publicly traded firms as well as on venture capital and private equity. Professor Ganor studies the efficiency of corporate management and its practices. She is especially interested in identifying particular managerial behavior patterns and understanding the motivations behind them and their effects on the shareholders and on society’s welfare. Professor Ganor is also studying rules and regulations that affect innovation and investment in technology.
Featured Work
Professor Ganor’s interests lie in the intersection of law and business. Her research focuses on corporate governance and agency costs in publicly traded firms as well as on venture capital and private equity. Professor Ganor studies the efficiency of corporate management and its practices. She is especially interested in identifying particular managerial behavior patterns and understanding the motivations behind them and their effects on the shareholders and on society’s welfare. Her research has covered a variety of corporate practices, such as offers of perpetual thrones in merger transactions, dismantling staggered boards, the use of top-up options in tender offers, and maintaining particularly large corporate cash holdings. Professor Ganor conducts interdisciplinary scholarship that combines empirical and statistical methods with legal and economic analysis to probe the efficiency of the corporate governance system. Professor Ganor is also studying rules and regulations that affect innovation and investment in technology.
The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation and the Columbia Law School’s Blue Sky Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets have featured invited posts on her work, which can be found here: https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/contributor/mira-ganor/ and here: https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2020/08/06/the-case-for-contingent-shareholder-action/.
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Startups in the Whirlpool of Divorce
Mira Ganor. “Startups in the Whirlpool of Divorce.” In 12 MICH. BUS. & ENTREPRENEURIAL L. REV., Page 1 (2023).
The Case for Non-Binary, Contingent, Shareholder Action
Mira Ganor. “The Case for Non-Binary, Contingent, Shareholder Action.” In 23 U. of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law, Page 390 (2021).
Recoupling Founders with Their IP—Improving Innovation by Rationalizing IRC Section 351 (Licensing vs. Assignment of Founders’ IP in VC-Backed Startups)
Mira Ganor. “Recoupling Founders with Their IP—Improving Innovation by Rationalizing IRC Section 351 (Licensing vs. Assignment of Founders’ IP in VC-Backed Startups).” In 44 The Journal of Corporation Law, Page 493 (2019).
Toehold Collaborations Beyond Insider Trading
Mira Ganor. “Toehold Collaborations Beyond Insider Trading.” In 14 NYU Journal of Law & Business, Page 187 (2017). View online.
Why Do Dual-Class Firms Have Staggered Boards?
Mira Ganor, Why Do Dual-Class Firms Have Staggered Boards?, 10 Ohio State Business Law Journal 147 (2016).
Agency Costs in the Era of Economic Crisis: The Enhanced Connection Between CEO Compensation and Corporate Cash Holdings
Mira Ganor, Agency Costs in the Era of Economic Crisis: The Enhanced Connection Between CEO Compensation and Corporate Cash Holdings [Symposium: Financial Reform During the Great Recession: Dodd-Frank, Executive Compensation, and the CARD Act], 55 Arizona Law Review 105 (2013).
The Power to Issue Stock
Mira Ganor, The Power to Issue Stock, 46 Wake Forest Law Review 701 (2011).
Salvaged Directors or Perpetual Thrones?
Mira Ganor, Salvaged Directors or Perpetual Thrones? 5 Virginia Law & Business Review 267 (2010). View Article
Why Do Managers Dismantle Staggered Boards?
Mira Ganor. “Why Do Managers Dismantle Staggered Boards?.” In 33 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, Page 149 (2008). View online.
Manipulative Behavior in Auction IPOs
Mira Ganor. “Manipulative Behavior in Auction IPOs.” In 6 DePaul Business and Commercial Law Journal, Page 1 (2007). -
Improving the Legal Environment for Start-up Financing by Rationalizing Rule 144
Mira Ganor. “Improving the Legal Environment for Start-up Financing by Rationalizing Rule 144.” In 33 William Mitchell Law Review, Page 1447 (2007).
Agency Costs of Venture Capitalist Control in Startups
Jesse M. Fried and Mira Ganor,Agency Costs of Venture Capitalist Control in Startups, 81 New York University Law Review 967 (2006).
spring 2026
- SMNR: Business Law Workshop
- Venture Capital