Patrick Woolley
- A. W. Walker Centennial Chair in Law
- Professor

Patrick Woolley teaches and writes on civil procedure, conflict of laws, and federal courts. A legal scholar and expert in his field, he has authored several law review articles and co-authored a casebook, “The Law of Class Actions and Other Aggregate Litigation.” Professor Woolley is an elected member of the American Law Institute, contributing to the advancement of scholarly and scientific legal work.
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Professor Woolley joined the faculty at the University of Texas School of Law in 1994 after practicing for several years at Munger, Tolles & Olson in Los Angeles. He was elected to the American Law Institute in 2005. His research and teaching now focus on civil procedure, conflict of laws, and federal courts, but he has also taught courses in race and the constitution.
He is a co-author of the casebook, The Law of Class Actions and Other Aggregate Litigation (Foundation Press 2020), and has authored a variety of law review articles, including among others, Diversity Jurisdiction and the Common-Law Scope of the Civil Action (Washington University Law Review, 2021), Rediscovering the Limited Role of the Federal Rules in Regulating Personal Jurisdiction (Houston Law Review, 2019); The Sources of Federal Preclusion Law after Semtek (Cincinnati Law Review, 2003), The Availability of Collateral Attack for Inadequate Representation in Class Suits (Texas Law Review, 2000) and Mass Tort Litigation and the Seventh Amendment Reexamination Clause (Iowa Law Review, 1998).
Professor Woolley earned a J.D. from Yale Law School in 1987 and an A.B. in History from Stanford University in 1984.
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Personal Jurisdiction in Negative-Value Class Suits
Patrick Woolley. “Personal Jurisdiction in Negative-Value Class Suits.” In 84 University of Pittsburgh Law Review, Page 583 (September 29, 2023). -
Counterclaims, Civil Actions, and the Elusive Reach of the Well-Pleaded Complaint Rule
Patrick Woolley. “Counterclaims, Civil Actions, and the Elusive Reach of the Well-Pleaded Complaint Rule.” In 108 Iowa L. Rev, Page 801 (January 16, 2023).
Diversity Jurisdiction and the Common-Law Scope of the Civil Action
Patrick Woolley. “Diversity Jurisdiction and the Common-Law Scope of the Civil Action.” In 99 Washington U. L. Rev., Page 573 (December 2021).
The Law of Class Actions and Other Aggregate Litigation (Third Edition)
Robert G. Bone, Patrick Woolley, Elizabeth Burch, Richard Nagareda. The Law of Class Actions and Other Aggregate Litigation (Third Edition) ( Foundation Press, July 9, 2020).
Rediscovering the Limited Role of the Federal Rules in Regulating Personal Jurisdiction
Patrick Woolley. “Rediscovering the Limited Role of the Federal Rules in Regulating Personal Jurisdiction.” In 56 Houston Law Review, Page 565 (Winter 2019).
Rethinking Choice of Circuit Law in Multidistrict Litigation
Patrick Woolley. “Rethinking Choice of Circuit Law in Multidistrict Litigation.” (Winter 2017).
The Role of State Law in Determining the Construction and Validity of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Patrick Woolley. “The Role of State Law in Determining the Construction and Validity of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.” In 35 The Review of Litigation, Page 208 (Summer 2016).
The Law of Class Actions and Other Aggregate Litigation (Second Edition)
Patrick Woolley, Richard Nagareda, Elizabeth Burch, Robert Bone, and Charles Silver, The Law of Class Actions and Other Aggregate Litigation (2013).
Using State Test Cases to Settle Multidistrict Litigation? A Comment on “Mass Litigation Governance in the Post-Class Action Era”
Patrick Woolley, Using State Test Cases to Settle Multidistrict Litigation? A Comment on “Mass Litigation Governance in the Post-Class Action Era” [Symposium: The Public Life of Private Law: A Volume in Honor of Richard Nagareda], 5 Journal of Tort Law 47 (2012).
The Jurisdictional Nature of Adequate Representation in Class Litigation
Patrick Woolley, The Jurisdictional Nature of Adequate Representation in Class Litigation [Symposium: Aggregate Litigation: Critical Perspectives], 79 George Washington Law Review 410 (2011). View Article
Collateral Attack and the Role of Adequate Representation in Class Suits for Money Damages
Patrick Woolley, Collateral Attack and the Role of Adequate Representation in Class Suits for Money Damages, 58 University of Kansas Law Review 917 (2010).
Shutts and the Adequate Representation Requirement
Patrick Woolley, Shutts and the Adequate Representation Requirement, 74 University Of Missouri-Kansas City School Of Law Review 765 (2006).
Erie and Choice of Law After the Class Action Fairness Act
Patrick Woolley, Erie and Choice of Law After the Class Action Fairness Act, 80 Tulane Law Review 1723 (2006).
Choice of Law and the Protection of Class Members in Class Suits Certified Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3)
Patrick Woolley, Choice of Law and the Protection of Class Members in Class Suits Certified Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3), 2004 Michigan State Law Review 799 (2004).
The Sources of Federal Preclusion Law After Semtek
Patrick Woolley, The Sources of Federal Preclusion Law After Semtek, 72 University of Cincinnati Law Review 527 (2003).
Uma Introdução às Ações Coletivas no Direito Norte-Americano [An Introduction to Class Action Law in the United States]
Patrick Woolley, Uma Introdução às Ações Coletivas no Direito Norte-Americano [An Introduction to Class Action Law in the United States], Edição Especial Revista da Faculdade de Direito Universdidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 111 (2002).
The Availability of Collateral Attack for Inadequate Representation in Class Suits
Patrick Woolley, The Availability of Collateral Attack for Inadequate Representation in Class Suits, 79 Texas Law Review 383 (2000).
Mass Tort Litigation and the Seventh Amendment Reexamination Clause
Patrick Woolley, Mass Tort Litigation and the Seventh Amendment Reexamination Clause, 83 Iowa Law Review 499 (1998). [Reprinted in Cadernos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Aug. 2004, at 113.]
Rethinking the Adequacy of Adequate Representation
Patrick Woolley, Rethinking the Adequacy of Adequate Representation, 75 Texas Law Review 571 (1997).
spring 2026
- Civil Procedure
- Jurisdiction & Judgments