
Commentary on a verdict of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights


Ariel E. Dulitzky

Debates sobre Derechos Humanos


Commentary on the verdict of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Family of Julien Grisonas Vs. Argentina.  Preliminary objections, merits, reparations and costs, judgement of September 23, 2021 (Ser. C) no. 437.  (In Spanish)

Comentario al fallo de la Corte IDH. Caso Familia Julien Grisonas Vs. Argentina. Excepciones Preliminares, Fondo, Reparaciones y Costas. Sentencia de 23 de septiembre de 2021. Serie C No. 437.

Full Citation

Ariel E. Dulitzky, Commentary on a verdict of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Debates sobre Derechos Humanos (August 3, 2022). View Online