
AI-Generated Inventions: Implications for the Patent System


Melissa F. Wasserman, Gaetan de Rassenfosse and Adam Jaffe

96 Southern California Law Review (Invited Symposium Contribution) 101


This symposium Article discusses issues raised for patent processes and policy created by inventions generated by artificial intelligence (AI). The Article begins by examining the normative desirability of allowing patents on AI-generated inventions. While it is unclear whether patent protection is needed to incentivize the creation of AI-generated inventions, a stronger case can be made that AI-generated inventions should be patent eligible to encourage the commercialization and technology transfer of AI-generated inventions.  Next, the Article examines how the emergence of AI inventions will alter patentability standards, and whether a differentiated pa-tent system that treats AI-generated inventions differently from human-generated inventions is normatively desirable. This Article concludes by considering the larger implications of allowing patents on AI-generated inventions, including changes to the patent examination process, a possible increase in the concentration of patent ownership and patent thickets, and potentially unlimited inventions.

Full Citation

Melissa F. Wasserman, Gaetan de Rassenfosse and Adam Jaffe, AI-Generated Inventions: Implications for the Patent System, 96 Southern California Law Review (Invited Symposium Contribution) 101 (forthcoming (2024)). View Online