Respondent in presentation by Emmanuel Kahan "Historical Perspective on the Impact of the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Argentina"

February 12, 2025

Dr. Emmanuel Nicolás Kahan holds a PhD in History (National University of La Plata), is a researcher at Argentina’s National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), and is a Professor in the Department of History at the School of Humanities and Educational Sciences (National University of La Plata). He provided this presentation, "Historical Perspective on the Impact of the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Argentina" and Professor Dulitzky acted as the respondent. This event was co-sponsored by the Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies, Gale Collaborative on Jewish Life in the Americas, Latin American Initiative at Texas Law, and the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.

Full Citation

Ariel E. Dulitzky. “Respondent in presentation by Emmanuel Kahan "Historical Perspective on the Impact of the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Argentina"” (February 12, 2025). View online.