Faculty Publications & Activities
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The Common Law, Labor Law, and Reality: A Response to Professor Epstein
Julius G. Getman, The Common Law, Labor Law, and Reality: A Response to Professor Epstein, 92 Yale Law Journal 1415 (1983) (with Thomas C. Kohler).
Planning for the Marital Deduction Under ERTA
Stanley M. Johanson, Planning for the Marital Deduction Under ERTA, State Bar Section Report: Real Property, Probate & Trust Law, July 1982. -
The Definition of Hearsay in the Federal Rules of Evidence
Olin G. Wellborn, The Definition of Hearsay in the Federal Rules of Evidence, 61 TEXAS LAW REVIEW 49 (1982).
Atheist’s Point is a Valid One
Douglas Laycock, Atheist’s Point is a Valid One, in Daily Texan, Feb. 26,1982, at 4 (with Sanford V. Levinson). -
Book Review
The Supreme Court and the Second Bill of Rights
David A. Anderson, The Supreme Court and the Second Bill of Rights, by Richard Cortner, 63 Social Science Quarterly 184 (1982). -
Book Chapter
Rules of Marital Property Liability: Personal and Community Liability After Divorce
John J. Sampson, Rules of Marital Property Liability: Personal and Community Liability After Divorce, in 1982 Advanced Family Law Course (Austin: State Bar of Texas, Professional Development Program,1982). -
Due Process and Separation of Powers: The Effort to Make the Due Process Clauses Nonjusticiable
Douglas Laycock, Due Process and Separation of Powers: The Effort to Make the Due Process Clauses Nonjusticiable, 60 Texas Law Review 875 (1982). -
Book Chapter
Practical Issues Associated With Assigning Liability for Child Support Payments
John J. Sampson, Practical Issues Associated With Assigning Liability for Child Support Payments, in Child Support in the United States: Research and Public Policy (1982). -
Book Review
Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis, by Martin Shapiro
Charles M. Silver, Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis, by Martin Shapiro, 92 Ethics 797 (1982). -
Title 2, Parent and Child
John J. Sampson, Title 2, Parent and Child, 13 Texas Tech Law Review 799 (1982). -
Constitutional Fate: Theory of the Constitution
Philip C. Bobbitt, Constitutional Fate: Theory of the Constitution (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982). -
Book Chapter
Fair Insurance Practices Act: Hearings Before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Douglas Laycock, Fair Insurance Practices Act: Hearings Before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 97th Cong., 2d Sess., 19 (1982) (statement). -
Book Review
Economic Special-Opportunity Conduct and Crime, by Pawel Horoszowski
Charles M. Silver, Economic Special-Opportunity Conduct and Crime, by Pawel Horoszowski, 92 Ethics 601 (1982). -
Mass Speech and the Newer First Amendment
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Mass Speech and the Newer First Amendment, 1982 Supreme Court Review 243 (1982). -
Under Cover: The Hidden Costs of Infiltration
Sanford V. Levinson, Under Cover: The Hidden Costs of Infiltration, 12 Hastings Center Report 29 (1982). [Reprinted in Abscam Ethics: Moral Issues and Deception in Law Enforcement (Gerald M. Caplan ed.; Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1983).] -
Book Chapter
Accountants: Liability for Compilation and Review Engagements
John S. Dzienkowski, Accountants: Liability for Compilation and Review Engagements, 60 Texas Law Review 759 (1982). -
Conflicts Cases and the Problem of Relevant Time, A Response to the Hague Symposium
Louise Weinberg, Conflicts Cases and the Problem of Relevant Time, A Response to the Hague Symposium, 10 Hofstra Law Review 1023 (1982). <https://law.utexas.edu/faculty/lweinberg/RELTIME.pdf> -
Interstate Spouses, Interstate Property, and Divorce
John J. Sampson, Interstate Spouses, Interstate Property, and Divorce, 13 Texas Tech Law Review 1285 (1982). -
Why Not Take Another Look at the Constitution?
Sanford V. Levinson, Why Not Take Another Look at the Constitution?, The Nation, May 29, 1982, at 656. -
Book Chapter
Mandated Change in Texas: The Federal District Court and the Legislature
Michael J. Churgin, Mandated Change in Texas: The Federal District Court and the Legislature, in Neither Angels Nor Thieves: Studies in Deinstitutionalization 872 (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1982).