Richard S. Markovits
- The John B. Connally Chair in Law
- Professor

Richard Markovits teaches and writes about antitrust, law and economics, constitutional law, and jurisprudence. Professor Markovits created Texas Law's nationally recognized course titled Legal Scholarship, which was designed to prepare future law teachers, and is the author of multiple articles published in leading law journals and books.
Professor Markovits teaches and writes in the areas of antitrust, law and economics, constitutional law and jurisprudence. He is the author of articles in the Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law Review and elsewhere as well as the book Matters of Principle: Legitimate Legal Argument and Constitutional Interpretation (NYU, 1998), Truth or Economics: On the Definition, Prediction, and Relevance of Economic Efficiency (Yale, 2008), and Economics and the Interpretation and Application of U.S. and E.U. Antitrust Law (two vols.) (Springer, 2014). He created the Law School's nationally recognized course on "Legal Scholarship," designed to prepare future law teachers. He came to Texas from Stanford Law School in 1976.
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Oligopolistic Pricing Suits, the Sherman Act, and Economic Welfare: A Response to Professor Posner
Richard S. Markovits, Oligopolistic Pricing Suits, the Sherman Act, and Economic Welfare: A Response to Professor Posner, 28 Stanford Law Review 919 (1976).
A Basic Structure for Microeconomic Policy Analysis in Our Worse-Than-Second-Best World: A Proposal and Related Critique of the Chicago Approach to the Study of Law and Economics
Richard S. Markovits, A Basic Structure for Microeconomic Policy Analysis in Our Worse-Than-Second-Best World: A Proposal and Related Critique of the Chicago Approach to the Study of Law and Economics, 1975 Wisconsin Law Review 950. -
Potential Competition, Limit Price Theory, and the Legality of Horizontal and Conglomerate Mergers Under the American Antitrust Laws
Richard S. Markovits, Potential Competition, Limit Price Theory, and the Legality of Horizontal and Conglomerate Mergers Under the American Antitrust Laws, 1975 Wisconsin Law Review 658. -
Oligopolistic Pricing Suits, the Sherman Act, and Economic Welfare. Part III: Proving (Illegal) Oligopolistic Pricing: A Description of the Necessary Evidence and a Critique of the Received Wisdom About Its Character and Cost
Richard S. Markovits, Oligopolistic Pricing Suits, the Sherman Act, and Economic Welfare. Part III: Proving (Illegal) Oligopolistic Pricing: A Description of the Necessary Evidence and a Critique of the Received Wisdom About Its Character and Cost, 27 Stanford Law Review 307 (1975). -
Some Preliminary Notes on the American Antitrust Laws' Economic Tests of Legality
Richard S. Markovits, Some Preliminary Notes on the American Antitrust Laws' Economic Tests of Legality, 27 Stanford Law Review 841 (1975).
Oligopolistic Pricing Suits, the Sherman Act, and Economic Welfare. Part I: Oligopolistic Price and Oligopolistic Pricing: Their Conventional and Operational Definition
Richard S. Markovits, Oligopolistic Pricing Suits, the Sherman Act, and Economic Welfare. Part I: Oligopolistic Price and Oligopolistic Pricing: Their Conventional and Operational Definition, 26 Stanford Law Review 493 (1974). -
Oligopolistic Pricing Suits, the Sherman Act, and Economic Welfare. Part II: Injurious Oligopolistic Pricing Sequences: Their Description, Interpretation and Legality under the Sherman Act
Richard S. Markovits, Oligopolistic Pricing Suits, the Sherman Act, and Economic Welfare. Part II: Injurious Oligopolistic Pricing Sequences: Their Description, Interpretation and Legality under the Sherman Act, 26 Stanford Law Review 717 (1974).
Fixed Input (Investment) Competition and the Variability of Fixed Inputs (Investment): Their Nature, Determinants and Significance
Richard S. Markovits, Fixed Input (Investment) Competition and the Variability of Fixed Inputs (Investment): Their Nature, Determinants and Significance, 24 Stanford Law Review 507 (1972).
Tie-ins, Leverage, and the American Antitrust Laws
Richard S. Markovits, Tie-ins, Leverage, and the American Antitrust Laws, 80 Yale Law Journal 195 (1970).
Tie-ins, Reciprocity, and the Leverage Theory
Richard S. Markovits, Tie-ins, Reciprocity, and the Leverage Theory, 76 Yale Law Journal 1397 (1967).
fall 2025
- Economic Efficiency Analysis