Students can travel all over the world to learn about foreign legal systems, and gain specialized expertise in areas of law while attending prestigious law schools. Texas Law students may attend English instruction, or after providing proof of language proficiency, may study in a foreign language.
Students will spend the fall term of their 3L year abroad. Students will receive credit toward their J.D. upon successfully completing courses abroad and submitting foreign credit to the Graduate & International Programs office for credit conversion toward their University of Texas School of Law J.D. degree. or questions, please email:
How to research exchange partners further:
Current students: Find more information about our partner universities.

- University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia- Program Brochure
- University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia- Program Brochure
- University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia- Program Brochure
- Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia- Program Brochure
- University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark- Program Brochure
- Queen Mary, University of London, London, England- Program Brochure
- The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England- Program Brochure
- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland not available 2025-2026– Program Brochure
- University College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland- Program Brochure
- Tel Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel- Program Brochure
- Bocconi University Milan, Milan, Italy- Program Brochure
- Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Lyon, France- Program Brochure
- Sciences Po, Paris France- Program Brochure
- Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany- Program Brochure
- Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands- Program Brochure
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands- Program Brochure
- University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway- Program Brochure
- National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore- Program Brochure
- Esade Law School, Barcelona, Spain- Program Brochure ; Fact Sheet
- University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden- Program Brochure
- Universitaet St. Gallen , St. Gallen, Switzerland- Program Brochure
- Universitaet Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland- Program Brochure
- Swansea University, Swansea, Wales- Program Brochure
(proficiency for language programs are 2nd year college level)
- Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina- Program Brochure
- Universidad San Andres, Buenos Aires, Argentina- Program Brochure
- University of Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina- Program Brochure
- Pontifica Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile- Program Brochure
- Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico City, Mexico- Program Brochure
- Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain;- Program Brochure
(proficiency for language programs are 2nd year college level)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Program Brochure