Events Calendar
TNH 2.124
General information about the study abroad programs offered by the University of Texas School of Law. Students will learn about each program and the application deadline.
For more information visit 2.140 (Wright Classroom)
Domestic Violence Survivors Support Network is having our first meeting of the school year. Come either Monday or Tuesday to find out how you can help survivors of domestic violence. We will be discussing DVSSN's on-going work and our plans for the coming year. We will also be enlisting volunteers for our up-coming projects. See you there!
For more information visit 3.127 (Roberts Classroom)
Texas Law Students for Reproductive Justice will meet for the first time this year on Monday, Sept. 13th, at 3:30pm in rm. 3.127. Come learn about our upcoming events and how our group supports individuals' decisions to have children, not to have children, and to raise the children we have in healthy environments. SNACKS will be available.
For more information visit 3.124 (Neathery Classroom)
First meeting for the Law Students for the Arts organization.
For more information visit