Events Calendar
8:30am – 9:30am
Public Service Table Talk - Employers Breakfast
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
Employers participating in Public Service Table Talk are invited to join UT Law administrators and faculty for breakfast so we may share information on new developments within the UT Law public service community. We also hope to exchange ideas on creating more opportunities for students to serve the public.
For more information visit – 10:00pm
WLC Happy Hour @ 219 West
219 West
219 West
Come out and join the Women's Law Caucus this Thursday, September 16 at 219 West from 8-10 pm for some free drinks and socializing. This event is for members only, so please pay dues at the Communication Center in the Atrium. They are $30 for the year and get you a t-shirt and entrance to all WLC events.
For more information visit