Events Calendar
The Domestic Violence Survivor Support Network's annual poker tournament, Pumpkins and Poker will be held Thursday October 14th, 2010 at Buffalo Billiards. All of the proceeds go to support survivors of domestic violence. We hope to see you there!
For more information visit Billiards
In lieu of bar review on October 14, the Domestic Violence Survivor Support Network (DVSSN) is holding Pumpkins and Poker, our main fundraising event. All proceeds from this annual poker tournament are used to help survivors of domestic violence as they start over after leaving their attackers.
Tickets are on sale now in the Law School Atrium!
Entrance to the tournament is $15 and includes a drink ticket and T-shirt. If you would like to attend the event, but don't know the difference between the river and the bend, admission is $7 and includes a drink ticket.
Local businesses have donated amazing prizes. Grand prizes for poker players include iPod Nanos and gift certificates to restaurants, salons, and more. Prizes will also be raffled off all evening long.
If you cannot attend the event, please consider providing your support by either contributing financially or with a gift of your time.
DVSSN would like to thank The Texas Journal of Women and the Law (TJWL) for their generous sponsorship.
We hope to see you there!
For more information visit