Events Calendar
12:30pm – 5:00pm
TxCCSA Conference: The Future of Texas CCS - 2011 and Beyond
AT&T Conference Center
AT&T Conference Center
The Texas Carbon Capture and Storage Assocation hosts a pre-conference workshop ahead of UT's Carbon and Climate Change Conference (February 9-10, 2011).
For more information visit – 6:30pm
TxCCSA Conference/UT CLE Carbon and Climate Change Conference Opening Networking Reception
AT&T Conference Center
AT&T Conference Center
Opening joint reception for speakers, registrants and sponsors of “The Future of Texas CCS - 2011 and Beyond” and UT’s Carbon and Climate Change Conference. Great courtyard and campus views, great conversation and contacts—don’t miss it. Hosted by: Texas Carbon Capture and Storage Association The University of Texas at Austin
For more information visit
San Francisco Alumni/Admitted Students Reception
The Law School is hosting a reception for area alumni and admitted students on February 8 at Hotel Monaco.
For more information visit