Events Calendar
Thompson Conference Center, Room 3.102
The Texas International Law Journal will hold its annual symposium February 10-11th. The topic is the new Air and Missile Warfare Manual, and Ambassador Henry Crumpton, former Coordinator for Counterterrorism, will deliver the keynote address at 5 pm, Thursday evening, in the Bass Lecture Hall at the LBJ School for Public Affairs. Students and faculty are invited to both the keynote and the panel discussions on Friday. The panel discussions are a
For more information visit 3.140 (Jeffers Courtroom)
Conference hosted by Sanford Levinson, Stephanie Lindquist, and Daniel Rodriguez
For more information visit 2.137 (Gayle Classroom)
This first session of the Early Bar Preparation Series will introduce 3L's to the structure of most state bars, and will also address the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) which is a part of many bar exams. Students can easily begin practicing MPTs NOW in order to be ready for the bar exam in July.
For more information visit 2.100 (Susman Godfrey Atrium)
We will be holding a casual barbeque dinner in the Atrium for the speakers and faculty participants in our symposium and our journal staff.
For more information visit