Events Calendar
Preselected students may begin scheduling via UT Law Symplicity for Spring On-Campus Interviews. Scheduling for preselected students ends tomorrow, Saturday, February 19, at noon. Alternate students may begin scheduling available interviews at 7 p.m. Alternate scheduling is on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information visit 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)
The Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal (TIPLJ) is hosting its Twelfth Annual Intellectual Property Law Symposium entitled “Creating a Landscape of Innovation.” We invite you to attend our event. The Symposium will be held on Friday, February 18, 2011, at The University of Texas School of Law.
For more information visit 3.140 (Jeffers Courtroom)
This spring the Rapoport Center will host our seventh annual conference, entitled “Aftershocks: Legacies of Conflict” on February 17—18. The conference will capitalize on the performance of Black Watch at the University of Texas, an award-winning play written by Scottish playwright Gregory Burke and performed by the National Theater of Scotland. The play explores the experiences of Scottish soldiers deployed to fight in Iraq from the Black Watch regiment, one of the oldest regiments in British history. “Aftershocks” will explore some of the same intersections of violence, the colonial past, memory, and trauma that Black Watch invokes, as well as the unique role that performance might play in the analysis. It will consider these issues in a variety of geographic spaces and places, with a special emphasis on the legal and political regimes that are meant to preserve memory while also transitioning into post-conflict. Please visit the website for more details.
For more information visit you have a job lined up or not, you can’t afford to miss this opportunity to jump start your career! The Center for Women in Law will host a limited enrollment Leadership Boot Camp for 3rd year law students and judicial clerks. The Leadership Boot Camp is an all-day training session on the essential skills for navigating a successful legal career. The day focuses on skills women lawyers traditionally learn too late in their careers
For more information visit 2.137 (Gayle Classroom)
Live Session. Sessions are intended for 3L's and LLMs who plan to take the July Bar. Session two is all about the multi-state bar exam and strategies you can use to effectively tackle each multiple choice question in the alloted 1.8 minutes. The session will begin with a review of the assignment from last week - an MPT (In re Rose Kingsley).
For more information visit