Events Calendar
8:30am – 2:00pm
Organized Mini Visit
An opportunity for admitted students to visit UT Law that could not make it to Admitted Students Day. Includes a welcome from Dean Sager; mock class; tours of the Law School; financial aid visits; and luncheon
For more information visit – 6:00pm
Future of Equality conference
TNH 3.140 (Jeffers Courtroom)
TNH 3.140 (Jeffers Courtroom)
conference hosted by Sanford Levinson
For more information visit – 4:00pm
Emerging Energy Issues in Latin America: Perspectives of Expert Lawyers from the Region
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
Expert lawyers from South America will discuss issues that are of particular relevance to energy practitioners in Latin America and give their perspectives on the challenges and rewards of practicing energy law in their respective countries. . Learn about issues that are of particular relevance to energy practitioners in Latin America and hear the perspectives of expert lawyers from that region.
For more information visit