Events Calendar
Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122)
Nicole Simmons, Public Interest Career Counselor with the CSO, along with 3Ls who have secured postgraduate fellowships, will discuss some of the more popular project-based fellowships obtained by UT Law graduates. Panelists will discuss the application process and provide strategies for putting together a competitive fellowship application. Lunch will be served.
For more information visit Services Office Library (TNH 3.130)
The Action Committee for Career Services will be having their next meeting on Wednesday, April 6, at 11:30 a.m. in the Career Services Office Library (TNH 3.130). We’ll have Tiff’s Treats and soft drinks. If you are interested in becoming involved next year – including assisting with Fall OCI Employer Check-In in August – this is the meeting for you. We will also be discussing the Happy Hour with Small & Midsize Firms and officer po
For more information visit 2.137 (Gayle Classroom)
Early Bar Prep continues with Torts.
At the beginning of this session (and each subsequent session), we'll review the practice MBE questions handed out the week before. Hear why answers are right/wrong to sometimes tricky MBE questions.
After the session, you may log on to an MBE question bank to test your understanding - come find out how to get access and what you should be doing now to help guarantee your future bar success!
For more information visit Career Services Office is pleased to announce the 2011 Study Break Public Service Stipend Program. This Program is designed to provide stipends to fund public interest and government internships for a select number of first- and second-year UT Law students. The 2011 CSO Study Break Public Service Stipend is open to current 1Ls and 2Ls (Class of 2013 and 2012, respectively)
For more information visit 3.142 (Walker Classroom)
The Intellectual Property Law Society will host its last meeting WEDNESDAY 4/6/11.
Speakers: John Campbell Firm: McKool Smith Topic: Experience working on Microsoft v. i4i Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Room: 3.142 Food: TBD
For more information visit