Events Calendar
12:30pm – 2:00pm
Maintaining Your Professional Image: Tricks and Tips for Looking Your Best
CCJ 2.310 (Jury Room)
CCJ 2.310 (Jury Room)
No time to dry clean your suit? Simple! Spray it with febreeze and hang it up in the shower to steam it. The Women's Law Caucus invites you to learn what your appearance says about you, how to continue your image efforts with the least amount of energy, and strategies for different legal settings - from the courtroom to the business luncheon. Come listen to a presentation on tips and tricks for professionals in fast-paced environments, then get real feedback during a Q&A with a panel of lawyers experienced in litigation, transactions, and government. 3L's are especially encouraged, but everyone should take advantage of this opportunity to prepare for summer internships and jobs.
For more information visit