Events Calendar
10:00am – 2:00pm
TLF Auction Ticket Sale
TLF Auction tickets will be on sale in the atrium starting Oct 31 until Nov 3rd from 10-2 for $10. $15 at the door.
For more information visit – 12:30pm
Dean Sager on the Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act
TNH 3.142 (Walker Classroom)
TNH 3.142 (Walker Classroom)
Join Dean Sager and the American Constitution Society for a conversation on why the Supreme Court should uphold President Obama’s landmark healthcare legislation. Dean Sager will respond to popular arguments raised against the Act’s constitutionality, including those advanced in Doug Bandow’s recent talk, and take your questions on this important national issue. Austin's Pizza will be provided.
For more information visit