Events Calendar
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
Bob Estrada will be the guest speaker. RSVP required. Event is open to the first 35 students who respond.
For more information visit 5.257
Law and Philosophy workshop series
For more information visit 2.140 (Wright Classroom)
This summer, Governor Rick Perry signed into law a mandatory ultrasound bill. Not long after, the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit to stop the law in its tracks. What happens now?
Implications of Mandatory Ultrasound Laws November 10, 2011 at 3:30pm, TNH 2.140
Featuring: Professor Carol Sanger of Columbia Law School TX State Representative Donna Howard, Blake Rocap, NARAL Lobbyist, and UT Professor Gretchen Ritter, Vice
For more information visit's Bar, 83 Rainey Street, Austin TX, 78701
Beyond Any Bar will be hosting its Fall Alumni-Student Mixer on Thursday, November 10 at Icenhauer's on Rainey Street. To RSVP, please email Juliana Mulholland at This event is free to all Beyond Any Bar members. For details on how to become a member, please contact Luis Rincon, BAB President, at
For more information visit