Events Calendar
Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122)
Each spring the CSO presents a Mock Interview Program where attorneys come on campus to provide mock interviews with 1L students prior to Spring OCI and Public Service Career Fair. If interview slots remain available, the CSO will notify 2Ls and 3Ls that they may register as well.
For more information visit 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)
Judicial internships are open to all students including 1Ls. There are hundreds of summer judicial internship opportunities available throughout the nation.RSVP on UT Law Symplicity by Tuesday, January 17, by selecting the 'Events' tab.
For more information visit 3.129 (Atlas Seminar Room)
Come learn about opportunities to practice law in the U.S. Navy JAG Corps program, including the internship program from FCC Brad Cook, Officer Recruiter, and LTjg Victor Marquez. RSVP on UT Law Symplicity by Tuesday, January 17, by selecting the 'Events' tab.
For more information visit