Events Calendar
Room 3.124, LBJ School of Public Affairs
More than half of Texas school districts are part of pending lawsuits against the state’s school finance system. Join us as Scott McCown, ‘79, talks about the lawsuits, the historic conflict between rich and poor school districts in Texas, and how the current lawsuits could impact educational equity. As a state district judge, McCown presided over all public school finance cases from 1990-2002. He is now Executive Director of the Center for Public Policy Priorities. Norma Cantu, who holds joint appointments at UT in the College of Education and School of Law, will moderate the discussion. Professor Cantu is a former Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights and former regional counsel and education director of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
1.5 Hours of CLE available. Lunch provided.
Sponsored by the UT Opportunity Forum Co-Sponsored by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law, the Center for Politics and Governance, and the College of Education
For more information visit 3.124 (Neathery Classroom)
Come to our meeting: Tuesday, April 3rd, at 3:15pm in rm. 3.124
Texas Law Students for Reproductive Justice educate, organize, and support law students to ensure that a new generation of advocates will be prepared to protect and expand reproductive rights as basic civil and human rights.
For more information visit