Events Calendar
Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Summer 2012 session.
Fall 2012 Add/Drop for students who participated in early registration. Registration for continuing and readmitted students who did not participate in early registration.
Check the Student Affairs website or your Registration Information Sheet for further information on ROSE access times.
For more information visit 2.100 (Susman Godfrey Atrium)
Need to take a break from studying for exams? Stop by the Atrium, visit with the CSO staff, have a snack, and find out about summer and fall interviewing opportunities. See list of sponsors on CSO website.
For more information visit 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
Carrin Patman will be the guest speaker. RSVP required. Event is open to the first 35 students who respond.
For more information visit 2.114 (Francis Auditorium)
Whether you’re working in a government agency or public interest organization, learn the tips and tools you’ll need to succeed in your summer internship. Lunch will be served.
RSVP on UT Law Symplicity by Monday, April 16, by selecting the 'Events' tab.
For more information visit 3.126 (Ratliff Classroom)
Practising Law Institute (PLI) invites you to a presentation by Mark Dighton, PLI's Director of Law School Relations and a Director of their Patent Bar Review Course. RSVP by Monday, April 16, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.
For more information visit Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122)
Before the semester comes to an end, the Action Committee for Career Services (ACCS) are gearing up to have a successful 2012-13 academic year. We will be holding elections and talking about what we want to accomplish next year.
For more information visit