Events Calendar

Now viewing: Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Texas Law Fellowships 1L Info Meeting

TNH 3.124 (Neathery Classroom)

This meeting is for 1Ls who are interested in joining Texas Law Fellowships as 1L representatives. TLF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that raises money and funds fellowships for students who spend their summers doing unpaid public interest work. TLF is a fun way to help others and get involved.

For more information visit
ICE Austin Stakeholder Community Roundtable

TNH 2.114 (Francis Auditorium)

ICE Public Advocate Andrew Lorenzen-Strait hosts a community roundtable includes discussion on prosecutorial discretion, detention reform, enforcement priorities, deferred action for childhood arrivals (USCIS will participate), and the work of the Public Advocate’s Office. Ample time will also be devoted to Q/A.

For more information visit