Events Calendar
Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122)
First, second- and third-year students and alumni up to one year after graduation are eligible to participate in Spring On-Campus Interviews per employer requests. Online bidding takes place January 28-February 4, 2013 via UT Law Symplicity.
For more information visit 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)
Judges in Residence
For more information visit 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
The Tarlton Law Library will present its ninth annual rare book lecture, "Evidence from the Fifteenth Century: Tarlton Law Library's Earliest Printed Books" on Thursday, February 28, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. The talk features Dr. Eric White, Curator of Special Collections, Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University.
For more information visit all 2Ls! You’re nearly halfway through and the Law Alumni Association wants to throw you a party!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
The Ranch 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. The Corral Room 701A West 6th Street Austin, Texas
Food and drink will be provided. Casual attire.
For more information visit Theater - School of Social Work
To celebrate our diamond anniversary, A&F is bringing you our take on the revered classic, the story of Harry Potter. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Peregrinus, Harry and his motley crew of nerdy magic law students fight against the Slythegreens to secure the most desirable jobs that The Magic University of Texas Magic School of Magic Law can offer. Unfortunately, coming to the Slythegreens' aid is none other than Snemily Snadens, Voldemort's ally and the gatekeeper to the highly-sought-after judicial clerkships that all the magic law students sooooo covet. Only after watching the show will you discover who ultimately prevails in the job search! ...And also, who wouldn't want to see Assault & Flattery ruin another one of your favorite stories?
For more information visit