Events Calendar
Summer 2013 registration for continuing and readmitted students.
Fall 2013 add/drop for students who participated in early registration. Continuing and readmitted students who did not participate in early registration may register.
Check here for scheduled registration access times:
For more information visit 2.100 (Susman Godfrey Atrium)
Need to take a break from studying for exams? Stop by the Atrium, visit with the CSO staff, have a snack, and find out about summer and fall interviewing opportunities.
For more information visit 2.139 (Wilson Classroom)
Summer Judicial Internship Program Orientation - mandatory meeting for all students who plan to participate in the summer 2013 judicial internship program. For more information about the judicial internship program, see
Room TBA
For more information visit 2.114 (Francis Auditorium)
During Study Break, stop by and grab some lunch in the Atrium and then stop by the Auditorium to learn more about preparing for Fall OCI and job fairs this summer. Don’t miss this opportunity to ask upperclassmen everything you’d like to know about the application/bidding process for Fall OCI. Panelists include Katie Ostrander (2L), Emily Stegich (2L), Kevin Vermillion (2L), and Sarah McDermand (3L). Co-sponsored by the Action Committee fo
For more information visit Services Interview Suite TNH 3.122
Action Committee for Career Services final meeting of the year.
For more information visit