Events Calendar
The Texas Journal of Women and the Law is now accepting membership applications for the 2013-2014 school year! Returning students and 1Ls are all welcome to apply.
Please contact Miki Alvarado at for an application or with any questions you may have about the journal.
Fall applications will be due on September 17, 2013.
For more information visit Law Library
Come win fabulous prizes and feast on treats while checking out the Tarlton Law Library!
The library is throwing open its doors so that UT law students can find out more about our services and tour the facility. You’ll get to see the hidden collections and chat with different librarians about all of the resources at your disposal. There will be treats and drawings for prizes at different stations. At the end of your visit, you’ll receive a gift and can enter your name for a grand prize drawing.
We look forward to seeing you then!
For more information visit 3.127 (Roberts Classroom)
Join Law Students for the Arts for our first meeting of the year. We will be giving an overview of the year's events, as well as introducing ways to get involved on-campus and in the Austin community.
For more information visit 2.139 (Wilson Classroom)
Refreshments on Tuesdays for Prof. Sager's Fall 2013 class
For more information visit