Events Calendar

November 14, 2013
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TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
Event type:
Panel Discussion / Speaker Series

Please join us for a talk by and discussion with Professor Magid Shihade (Birzeit University) entitled "The Place of Israel in Asia: Settler Colonialism, Mobility, and Memory among '48 Palestinians." The event is co-sponsored by the Department of English, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, the South Asia Institute, and Students for Islamic Awareness. Light refreshments will be served.

Specific audiences:
  • Texas Law students
  • Prospective students
  • Texas Law alumni
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • General public
Sponsored by:
  • Bernard & Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights & Justice

If you need an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact the sponsor listed above or the Texas Law Special Events Office at no later than seven business days prior to the event.