Events Calendar
TNH 2.114 (Francis Auditorium)
Ms. JD's annual conference represents the marquee event of the year for women in law. In addition to getting the opportunity to interact with and learn from one another, the conference gives students and young lawyers opportunities to meet top lawyers, hear from incredible and inspiring speakers, and plan for a year ahead working together! In sum, the Ms. JD Conference will present students and attorneys with a meaningful and valuable opportunity to connect to the nation's most talented people in the law.
For more information visit 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)
FRAND and the Antitrust/Intellectual Property Interface
For more information visit 5.206 (Susman Academic Center, Bryan and Michelle Goolsby Conference Suite (5.206 / 5.207))
There are many challenges and opportunities associated with funding water conservation projects using revenue bonds financed by the newly-created State Water Implementation Fund for Texas(SWIFT). H.B. 4, which created SWIFT, includes a requirement that 20% of the $2 billion fund be spent on “conservation and reuse” projects in the state water plan. This workshop will feature experts on water law and policy who can explain the questions and challenges associated with implementing the 20% requirement. Speakers will also focus on the most important opportunities presented by the new funding.
Lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP to Gena Dawson at or 512-475-9328.
For more information visit 3.126 (Ratliff Classroom)
Please join a panel of practitioners and students as they discuss social change work in underserved areas, including the benefits and challenges of venturing beyond major urban centers for summer internships and to start a career.
Panelists include James McDermott, who began his career as a public defender in Del Rio, Texas, and Emily Rickers, who started her career as a legal aid attorney in the Texas Rio Grande Valley.
Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by noon on Wednesday, February 19 to Rachel Sidopulos,
Sponsored by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law.
For more information visit 3rd Floor Hallway
Trial skills workshop for 2L interscholastic mock trial team
For more information visit Walker L.L.P., 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1100
2:45 Welcome/Registration 3:00-3:30 Presentation: The Business of Law 3:30-4:00 Panel Discussion: The Importance of Networking 4:00-5:00 Mock Interviews 4:00-6:00 Cocktail Reception All ALSA Members (1L, 2L, 3L, LLM) are encouraged to attend.
The Business of Law (3:00 – 3:30) + Matt Dow, Managing Partner of JW’s Austin office, will give a presentation to provide students with an understanding of law firm economics, and how these economics shape decisions made by law firms + All law students – 1L, 2L, 3L, and LLM – should benefit from this presentation
Panel: The Importance of Networking (3:30 – 4:00) + Moderated panel will include Jackson Walker Attorneys (including Asian-American attorneys) and AAABA Volunteers + Discussion will cover tips for effective networking, including do’s and don’t’s + A topic that should be relevant to law students of all levels
Mock Interviews (4:00 – 5:00) + Interviews will conducted by teams of two attorneys, with at least one AAABA member (contingent on number of AAABA volunteers) + 20 minutes of interview followed by 10 minutes of feedback from interviewers + Not limited to 1Ls – anyone interested may interview
Cocktail Reception (4:00 – 6:00) + All members of ALSA and AAABA as well as JW attorneys (including Asian-American attorneys from offices outside Austin) are invited + Overlaps with mock interviews, so that those interviewing at 4:30 need not be idle while waiting for their interview
For more information visit