Events Calendar

Now viewing: Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The State Bar of Texas: Careers in Transactional Law

TNH 2.137 (Gayle Classroom)

The Business Law Section of the State Bar of Texas sponsors a panel discussion regarding the life of a transactional lawyer. A handful of practicing lawyers will describe the rewards, challenges and opportunities of a career as a business lawyer - these are lawyers who never go to court but work for law firms and companies in many exciting fields such as mergers and acquisitions, real estate, intellectual property, oil and gas, technology, etc

For more information visit
1L Mandatory Academic Advising Session

TNH 2.114 (Francis Auditorium)

All 1Ls are required to attend either this session or the session on Feb 18 at 3:30pm. Dean Bangs and Brandi Welch will review graduation requirements and considerations in choosing your course of study over the next two years.

For more information visit
Using Anti-Trafficking Laws for Labor Reform

TNH 3.127 (Roberts Classroom)

Talk led by Stacy Jonas, Managing Attorney of the Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid's Human Trafficking Team

For more information visit
Environmental Law Society - Student Career Panel

TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)

Join the Environmental Law Society for a casual talk about careers in environmental law. 3Ls will give advice to interested students about getting an environmental law job including networking, volunteering, and courses to take.

Speakers include -

Colin Cox - Environmental Justice Intern at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Rachel Zummo - Editor-in-Chief of the Texas International Law Journal Katherine Leushel - Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Environmental Law Journal Kirsten Johansson - Intern at Haynes & Boone Environmental Law Department

Coffee and snacks provided!

Co-sponsored by the KBH Center, Texas Environmental Law Journal, and CSO.

RSVP by emailing

For more information visit