Events Calendar
TNH 2.140 (Wright Classroom)
TX FedSoc & the Strauss Center have partned to host a debate on FBI v. Apple. Professor Chesney will moderate the debate, which will cover a range of topics from encrpytion to national security.
The debate will feature:
Susan Hennessey (pro-FBI) - Susan is the Managing Editor for the national security blog LawFare. She recevied her J.D. from Harvard Law and previously worked as an attorney in the Office of General Counsel for the NSA. You can read her articles here:
Julian Sanchez (pro-Apple) - Julian is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. He studies and writes on technology, privacy, and civil liberties, with a focus on intelligence surveillance. He has written on privacy for a variey of publications, including the National Review. He is the founding editor of the policy blog, Just Security.
For more information visit