Events Calendar

Now viewing: Monday, April 23, 2018

Townes Hall Morning Coffee

Outside 1L Classrooms

Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning. Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are “going green,” so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start off your week on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large station located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.139, etc.) beginning at 8:45 am.

For more information visit
Meeting of Legislative Lawyering Clinic with Texas Association for the Deaf and other Policy Stakeholders

JON 5.206 (Susman Academic Center, Bryan and Michelle Goolsby Conference Suite (5.206 / 5.207))

Meeting of Legislative Lawyering Clinic with Texas Association for the Deaf and other Policy Stakeholders. Includes students, professors and professionals from across the country.

For more information visit
Drawing Board Luncheon: Eliza Platts-Mills, Challenging Payday Lenders by Opening Up the Small Dollar Loan Market
(This event’s full information is restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff only.) For more information visit
Law and Economic Seminar - Albert Choi

TNH 3.126 (Ratliff Classroom)

University of Virginia

For more information visit