Events Calendar
JON 5.208 (Susman Academic Center, Bryan and Michelle Goolsby Conference Suite)
Chief Judge Carl E. Stewart of the Fifth Circuit will be at Texas Law on Friday, September 7, to meet with a small group of 2L and 3L Texas Law clerkship applicants to discuss clerkships generally. Signup is on a first-come, first-served basis.
A light breakfast will be served. Please RSVP by Friday, August 31st, on Symplicity by selecting the Events tab.
For more information visit Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122)
Interested students can meet directly with Lochlin Rosen, '17, Deputy Public Defender with the Colorado State Public Defender, prior to his panel at Change It Up! Lawyering for Social Change.
Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. RSVP by Thursday September 6, on Symplicity be selecting the “Events” tab.
For more information visit 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)
Join us for an event for new students exploring lawyering for social change, including an inspiring keynote by Blake Strode, Executive Director, Arch City Defenders; a student/alumni panel; and opportunities to connect with like-minded students, faculty, staff and attorneys. Lunch will be available beginning at noon.
For full program and event information, visit
For more information visit