Events Calendar
11:45am – 1:00pm
Police Accountability, Qualified Immunity, and Criminal Justice Reform
TNH 2.140 (Wright Classroom)
TNH 2.140 (Wright Classroom)
Clark Neily of the Cato Institute will debate Professor Laurin
For more information visit – 6:00pm
From Disparity to Dignity: Tackling Economic Inequality through Human Rights
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
Rapoport Center Colloquium: Law and the Production of Inequality
Our public debates are increasingly centered on the question of socio-economic inequality – its increase, its economic and political consequences, its importance to the present and its likely future. Inequality may well be at the root of many of the human rights violations in the world today. Our Fall 2018 speaker series will explore the role of law (including, perhap
For more information visit