Events Calendar
TNH 2.100 (Susman Godfrey Atrium)
Paul Hastings, LLP invites all 1L students to join them for lunch from Torchy's in the Law School Atrium. Houston Associates Phillip Chang and Brady Lambeth will be in attendance to answer questions about the firm. Be sure to stop by on your way to class!
For more information visit 2.310 (Jury Room)
Meeting of the clinical faculty.
For more information visit 2.140 (Wright Classroom)
Do we pay enough attention to state constitutional provisions that protect individual rights? State and federal courts often focus on the U.S. Constitution and ignore state constitutions. In a fascinating new book, 51 Imperfect Solutions, Judge Jeffrey Sutton of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit argues that state and federal courts should give far more attention to state constitutional provisions than they often do. Judge Sutton, Chief Judge Lee Rosenthal (S.D. Tex.) and Professor Sandy Levinson will discuss the book in a mini-symposium during the lunch hour on February 4th.
For more information visit 2.137 (Gayle Classroom)
This three-part series will feature Dean Ward Farnsworth, Professor Mechele Dickerson, and Professor Wayne Schiess. Consider this a fireside chat where these Texas Law superstars will impart lessons that they have learned from the school of life.
For more information visit Services Interview Suite
Learn more about the work of the nonpartisan legislative agency, the Texas Legislative Council. Join Mark Kuster '92 to learn more about internship and employment opportunities with TLC. (3Ls may apply for permanent postgraduate positions with TLC via job posting #31279.)
Lunch will be served. RSVP by Monday, February 3, on Symplicity.
For more information visit 2.138 (Blanton Classroom)
All 1Ls are required to attend one of three Law School 101: Academic Advising sessions. The sessions occur on February 4, 5 and 6, at 3:30pm in TNH 2.138. We'll discuss graduation requirements, considerations in course selection, and the course selection process. After this session, all 1Ls are invited to schedule an appointment with their adviser (Dean Bangs, Brandi Welch or Rick Garza) to discuss specific course selection choices.
For more information visit