Events Calendar

Now viewing: Thursday, April 22, 2021

Implicit Bias: Creating a heightened level of mindfulness within your groups and social spaces

This virtual event, provided by the Multicultural Engagement Center, highlights the importance of students expanding their understanding of how we each identify and interact with the people and systems around us. For other regularly curated events, groups, and workshops please visit Discussion Groups & More at Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion at Texas Law.

For more information visit
Board of Advocates Banquet and Awards Ceremony

Join the Board of Advocates and the Advocacy Program for our virtual 2021 Banquet and Awards Ceremony! We will recognize intramural and interscholastic competitors and judges, present various advocacy scholarships, present the 2021-2022 BOA Board, and more! Click the following Zoom link to join at 6:00 PM:

For more information visit