Events Calendar

Now viewing: Tuesday, June 1, 2021

KEYNOTE ROUNDTABLE: Worker Advocacy Organizations & the Future of Work (Rapoport Center 2021 Pop-Up Institute: Beyond the Future of Work)

Leading advocates for workers in a variety of formal and informal sectors – from care work and construction to digital platforms and the arts – compare the challenges they see to the future of work and organizing in their respective fields and global contexts.

For more information visit
What’s Wrong with the Gig-Economy? A Conversation (Rapoport Center 2021 Pop-Up Institute: Beyond the Future of Work)

In the guise of entrepreneurialism and individual freedom the gig-economy was once hailed as the solution to the ills of the degrading work relationships that formed the backbone of the capitalist economy. Legal scholar and activist Veena Dubal considers how organized workers have helped dispel this myth by speaking out about the darker side of the gig-economy. In conversation with legal labor historian William Forbath, Dubal will discuss these i

For more information visit
Autofac: Screening and Viewing Party I (Rapoport Center 2021 Pop-Up Institute: Beyond the Future of Work)

Please join us for this first public watch party of the “Electric Dreams” episode, Autofac, which we will discuss with celebrated cyberpunk writer and UT graduate Bruce Sterling on June 2 at 6:30 pm.

For more information visit