Events Calendar

April 6, 2023
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TNH 2.137 (Gayle Classroom)
Event type:
Panel Discussion / Speaker Series
For more info:
Please contact Mary Murphy, Career Counselor, at

Please RSVP by Wednesday, April 5, on Symplicity.

The Texas Law Professional Development Series is taught by industry experts and practicing attorneys, covering facets of new attorney professionalism most sought after by legal employers. This must-attend program will help you prepare for your summer clerkship or postgraduate job.

Learn tips to help you succeed in your public service summer internship from a panel of employers.

Whether you're a 1L preparing for your first summer clerkship or the fall recruiting season, a 2L working to turn your summer clerkship or fellowship into an offer, or a graduating 3L getting a head start on your legal career, the Texas Law Professional Development Institute (PDI), which is presented each Spring, will help you be a more competitive candidate and a better lawyer.

Specific audiences:
  • Texas Law students
Sponsored by:
  • Career Services

If you need an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact the sponsor listed above or the Texas Law Special Events Office at no later than seven business days prior to the event.