Events Calendar
TNH 2.138 (Blanton Classroom)
Want to apply for clerkships and don't know how to start your research process? Join the Judicial Clerkship Program as we tackle how to figure out who you want to work for and how to apply! This event is for 2Ls and 3Ls.
Pizza will be served for all registered participants. RSVP in TEX by Friday, January 17th.
For more information visit 3.124 (Neathery Classroom)
Jonathon Zytnick presenting an original paper in the Business Law Seminar.
Abstract Although mutual funds have distinctive voting patterns, little is known about whether their votes reflect their underlying investors’ preferences. I use novel proprietary data on individual shareholder voting and fund ownership to compare the voting preferences of individual investors to those of their funds. Fund votes have no relation to the votes of their underlying customers, with the sole exception of sorting by ideological individuals into small, like-minded ESG funds. Limited attention provides some explanation for the minimal ideological sorting: investors choose investments, both equities and funds, based on the investments’ blunt ideological features but not on subtle features.
For more information visit