Public Service Lawyering

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time Location
THU 9:10 - 10:20 am CCJ 3.310

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


Please see the course website: This course consists of two components focused on public service lawyering: a 1-credit class and an internship for 3 credits (both graded pass/fail). Students must register for both components, earning a total of 4 credits. Students are expected to work at their internships during most of the weeks in which the class meets. The program sends students into public service practice to gain experiences that they reflect upon and analyze in class. Placement supervisors are experienced attorneys who provide students with broad exposure to the activities of their offices and varied assignments. The course will address topics relevant to the legal profession and becoming a lawyer, including legal ethics, access to justice, lawyering skills, analysis of the lawyering role, etc. Students must consult with the course instructor to develop their field placements at government offices and non-profit organizations. (Prosecution, legislative, trade association and judicial internships are not eligible.) An application and instructor approval is required prior to registration. Students are required to work 180 hours for their internships, and these hours of work must be completed before the end of classes. Each intern will arrange a mutually convenient work schedule with their supervising attorney. Students may not receive compensation (including a Baron & Budd Fellowship) for their internship work. NOTE: Students should register for the 3-credit internship AND for the 1-credit Public Service Lawyering class. The class will meet ten times during the spring semester.