Non-Profit/Government Internship

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

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Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


Nonprofit/Government Internship - 3 credits (graded pass/fail) Taught by Tina Fernandez and Lucille Wood. Application required. Please obtain the application and review the course page on the clinical website: This clinical internship focuses on lawyering for the public in nonprofit, government and legislative settings. Students engage in legal work in public service offices, gaining hands-on experience that they reflect upon and analyze. Assignments address topics relevant to the legal profession and professional identity, including ethics, access to justice, advocacy and communication skills, and professional self-development. Placement supervisors are experienced attorneys who are asked to provide students with broad exposure to the legal activities of their offices, varied and demanding assignments, and regular feedback on their performance. Every placement must be approved by the instructor before registration is permitted. Legislative offices and labor unions qualify as placements for this course, but judicial internships and the Travis County District Attorney's Office do not. Placements may be located anywhere within the U.S. Students are required to work at least 180 hours at their internships, and the work must be spread over at least seven weeks. Most students work more than the minimum number of hours. Student work must be completed by August 13th (unless special arrangements are made with the instructor). Each intern will arrange a mutually convenient work schedule with their supervising attorney. Students may not receive a salary (including a TLF stipend) for their work, although it may be possible to accept an educational scholarship or a stipend designed to defray unusual living expenses. To be eligible for the internship, students must apply for instructor approval to register and also must attend a mandatory orientation session with the Texas Law instructors on Monday, April 19, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in TNH 3.127. NOTE: Even students who have not yet secured an internship, but intend to, must attend this orientation. Students who begin internships before obtaining instructor approval to register and/or attending the orientation session may be precluded from enrolling in the course and earning credit for the internship. For more information, please contact one of the professors for the course, Tina Fernandez (